SuperCruiser Party Boat

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SuperCruiser Party Boat – 190HP at Jones Valley Resort / Shasta Lake :

Introduced in 2014, this 56’ vessel was uniquely designed for large parties to enjoy Shasta Lake in ultimate comfort. The open air design (front to back) allows for breathtaking views of the lake and surrounding mountains. Featuring café-like tables with seating for 24 guests, you won’t find another party cruiser on the lake better suited for large parties. Those entertaining for business, family reunions, club gatherings, and other events will find it the perfect choice. This boat sports a wide staircase leading to the second story observation deck and waterslide. The covered lower deck provides sun protection and shade, with rope lighting for evening ambience. A propane barbeque, full cooking range, wet bar, outdoor hot shower and 2 half-baths are also conveniently located on the lower deck. Maximum 30 passengers.

All daily rentals are:

Patio and Party Boats full day rentals are from 9:45 am through 8:00 am the following day, or you may return the same day prior to 1/2 hour before the marina closes (hours vary based on season). Wakeboard, PWC’s, Ski Boats, Fishing Boats and other small watercraft are permitted overnight only with a houseboat, otherwise they must be returned the same day prior to 1/2 hour before the marina closes. Watercraft will not be rented daily after 2:00pm.