T-5 Centurion

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Our eight passenger, T-5 Centurian boats are an excellent way to help you enjoy your favorite water sport like wakeboarding, skiing, tubing, or just exploring the Lake. Each boat is equipped with a wakeboard tower, bimini for shade, and a stereo.

All daily rentals are:

Patio and Party Boats full day rentals are from 9:45 am through 8:00 am the following day, or you may return the same day prior to 1/2 hour before the marina closes (hours vary based on season). Wakeboard, PWC’s, Ski Boats, Fishing Boats and other small watercraft are permitted overnight only with a houseboat, otherwise they must be returned the same day prior to 1/2 hour before the marina closes. Watercraft will not be rented daily after 2:00pm.

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